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Webelo & AOL First Aid Rally

February 10, 2018 @ 8:00 am – 5:00 pm America/New York Timezone
Mt. Allamuchy Scout Reservation, Camp Somers
750 Waterloo Road

Please join Council's Webelos & AOL First Aid Rally

Event Date: Saturday, February 20, 2018
Event Time: 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Event Location: Mt. Allamuchy Scout Reservation, Camp Somers – 750 Waterloo Road, Stanhope, NJ
Dress Requirements: Pack T-Shirt

Cost: $35 per person (paid directly to council)

Please Click Here to Register

This is a great opportunity for Webelo and AOL scouts, Pack 142 highly recommends you take part in this council activity! Please don't delay in registering! Only a few places are available!

This program is designed for the requirement “First Responder”. You and your Webelos Scout will be earning your basic First Aid card and your CPR Certification. Upon completion of the First Responder adventure, your Webelos Scout will have also earned the adventure pin. The program will be a 1 day event that will start at 8:00 AM sharp to 5:00 PM at Mt. Allamuchy Scout Reservation, Camp Somers. The price covers the two courses and lunch. The price is $35.00.  If you take these courses on your own it would cost you over $100.00 per person.

Here is what will be taught at the Webelos & AOL First Aid Rally:

First Aid Course: (4 hour course)
Requirement 1. Explain what first aid is. Tell what you should do after an accident.
Requirement 2. Show what to do for hurry cases of first aid: a) serious bleeding b) heart attack or sudden cardiac arrest c) stopped breathing d) stroke & e) poisoning.
Requirement 3. Show how to help a choking victim.
Requirement 4. Show how to treat for shock.
Requirement 5. Demonstrate how to treat at least five of the following: a) cuts and scratches, b) burns and scalds, c) sunburn, d) blisters on hand or foot, e) tick bites, f) bites and stings of other insects, g) venomous snakebites, h) nosebleed, i) frostbite.
Requirement 8. Visit with a first responder or heath care professional.
Requirements 6 & 7 should be done in your den before going to Webelos First Aid Rally

The CPR Course (4 hour course)
Get trained in CPR and be certified.

Optional: You will be able to camp for 1 or 2 nights in a cabin for $5.00 per night per person (You need to bring your own food if you are camping.)
You might be sharing the cabins with other dens.

This is ONLY open to Webelos/AOL and 1 adult per Scout! We can only accept 48 Webelos/AOL and 48 adults.

If you have any questions please contact Glenn Treier [email protected],  Andy Monka [email protected], or Marc Maratea, [email protected].

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