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Troop 173 – December Troop Meeting

December 15, 2017 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm America/New York Timezone
Mt. Tabor School


Troop 173 have advised that due to inclement weather, they are postponing the Troop Meeting for tonight, Friday, December 15. They will advise a future date in the near future. Thank you for your understanding!

Please join Troop 173 at their December Troop Meeting

Event Date: Friday, December 15, 2017
Event Time: 7:30PM – 9:00PM
Event Location: Mt. Tabor School
Dress Requirements: Scout Uniform
Cost: Free – Please bring a wrapped gift costing no more than $10

Troop 173 would like to invite the Webelo and AOL Scouts from Pack 142 to their Troop meeting on Friday, December 15 from 7:30-9:00 at the Mt Tabor School.

As this is our last meeting of December we dedicate the meeting to our holiday party which includes a ‘Nasty Santa gift exchange. Some items to note for those joining us for the evening:

1) The Cub Scouts attending are invited to participate in the Nasty Santa gift exchange and are asked to bring a wrapped gift costing no more that $10. Some Scouts will wrap candy, less expensive camping gear and card games and others will be very creative. Its all in good fun and the boys (and parents) look forward to this annual event

2) Cubs should come dressed in their Class A uniforms

3) This year we will also be conducting a crossing over ceremony for the AOL Scouts joining Troop 173 from Pack 218. This is a great opportunity for the Cubs to see their peers crossing over, the ceremony itself and the acceptance of the Cubs into the Troop as Boy Scouts

4) Last we conclude the evening with refreshments for the Scouts and Parents

This is another great opportunity attend an event with one of our two great Troops in Parsippany! We hope you are able to make it!

If you have any questions, please email [email protected] or phone 973-437-6163.

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