Popcorn Show & Sell – Shoprite Cedar Knolls
Please sign-up to participate in Pack 142's October 12th Popcorn Show and Sell at ShopRite of Cedar Knolls. This is our last Show and Sell so please remember that popcorn selling is our only fundraiser throughout the year and we use our proceeds to keep costs down for all members throughout the year! We appreciate all of your help.
In an effort to make it easier to identify who is able to attend during each slot, we are using Sign Up Genius to collect registration information. Please click here to sign-up: October 12th SignUp Genius
Event Date: Saturday October 12, 2019
Event Time: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Event Location: Shoprite Cedar Knolls
Dress Requirements: Scout Uniform
1. To support scouting. 70% of the money collected goes straight to local scouting.
2. To earn money for your scout account with the pack to help make scouting more affordable for your family.
Prizes? What Prizes?.
1. All scouts who participate in sales will earn a 2019 Popcorn Sales Patch
2. Scouts selling $115 or more will win a prize from CampMasters
3. Scouts selling $750 or more, get all of the above, AND they join the $750 Club winning an additional prize and $25 scout bucks
4. Scouts selling $1600 or more, get all of the above, AND a Free Week of Summer Camp at any of the PPC owned camps.
5. If your scout is one of the TOP 100 sellers in all of PPC, they will also be eligible for special Top 100 Club offers from PPC
6. Above and Beyond – Additional Prize: Sell over $6,000 and receive a $150 Gift Card or $150 Camp Scholarship; Sell over $6,500 and receive a $250 Gift Card or $250 Camp Scholarship; or Sell over $7,000 and receive a $350 Gift Card or $350 Camp Scholarship