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Popcorn Order Drop Off

October 18, 2018 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm America/New York Timezone
Littleton School

It is time to drop off ALL POPCORN Orders! 

Please remember drop off is today!

*IMPORTANT* If your scout did not sell and you will not be dropping off an order form, please email me [email protected] OR text 973-908-1085 to let me know before October 18.

If your Scout sold $115 or more, have him/her choose a prize from the prize level they qualify for depending on the amount sold and write the prize number on the order form.

Thank you all!

Event Date: Thursday, October 18, 2018
Event Time: 6:30PM – 8:30PM (drop and go – unless you have a den meeting)
Event Location: Littleton School
Dress Requirements: Free Dress

Our Popcorn committee will be at Littleton School to collect all Popcorn orders and money between 6:30PM and 8:30PM.

IMPORTANT: If you are unable to submit your form by October 18, you must contact our Popcorn Kernel, Yohanny via email [email protected] OR phone 973-908-1085 to make alternate arrangements.

Why should a scout sell popcorn?
1. To support scouting. 70% of the money collected goes straight to local scouting.
2. To earn money for your scout account with the pack to help make scouting more affordable for your family.

Prizes? What Prizes?.
1. All scouts who participate in sales will earn a 2018 Popcorn Sales Patch
2. Scouts selling $115 or more will win a prize from CampMasters
3. Scouts selling $750 or more, get all of the above, AND they join the $750 Club winning an additional prize and $25 scout bucks
4. Scouts selling $1600 or more, get all of the above, AND a Free Week of Summer Camp at any of the PPC owned camps.
5. If your scout is one of the TOP 100 sellers in all of PPC, they will also be eligible for special Top 100 Club offers from PPC
6. Above and Beyond – Additional Prize: Sell over $6,000 and receive a $150 Gift Card or $150 Camp Scholarship; Sell over $6,500 and receive a $250 Gift Card or $250 Camp Scholarship; or Sell over $7,000 and receive a $350 Gift Card or $350 Camp Scholarship 

If you have any questions, please reach us via email [email protected] or phone 973-437-6163.
Thank you for your support!

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