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Pack 173 Meeting

January 18, 2019 @ 7:30 pm – 8:45 pm America/New York Timezone
Mount Tabor Scool

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all enjoyed your holidays and happy new year! I am sorry for the quite spell. I have been traveling a lot for work, hosting the holidays and much more! Things have settled down and I look forward to a productive and fun year with the Webelos with a higher level of engagement this Winter and Spring. 

Pack 173 has invited us to their pack meeting on 1/18 at Mount Tabor school at 7:30PM .If you did not get to join the "Turkey in a Can" weekend at camp Winnebago in the fall, I greatly encourage you to join their meeting to get exposure to Boy Scouts and what their pack has to offer. We were all very impressed and enjoyed our time with Pack 173 at Winnebago. They are a great team that embodies everything that makes scouts great! If you attended the Turkey in a Can event this meeting will be optional for you.  

Please RSVP via Troop Track or email to me so I can let Pack 173 know how many people to expect. Sorry for the somewhat short notice. Thank you for all you do with the scouts and I look forward to seeing you all again soon!

PS  Thank you for the excellent attendance with our last den meeting with the AOL scouts while learning knots and thank you to the AOL team and Troy for all their help!!



Cell: 973-460-1029

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