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Bear Den Meeting

September 22, 2020 @ 6:00 pm – 7:15 pm America/New York Timezone
Glacier Hills Pavilion
7 Forum Court
Morris Plains

Welcome to a new year as Bear Scouts!! Woohoo!. Please attend the pack meeting on 9/17 at same location. We will be distributing awards and your Wolf Badges for those who completed the program. Due to covid, many exceptions were made. So, don't be discouraged if you were just missing a couple of requirements. 

In addition, I would like to announce our new Den Leader for the boys group is Mr. Joe Lanni (Christian's dad).  I will continue to help as an assistant and Michele will also continue as the girls Den Leader. Mrs. Regina Tafro (Thomas' Mom) will also be helping. 

We will comply with all social distancing guidelines. We will be meeting outside and masks will be worn for all that are fewer than 6 feet apart. We will be covering the Bear Necessities requirement. This includes setting up a tent, discussing items needed for camping, along with reviewing the Scout Oath, Scout Law and the essentials!! I'll be reaching out to our Den Chiefs to assist and possibly go over the two half hitches (knot).  I understand that many may not feel comfortable continuing this year due to the virus.. Please contact me and let me know your thoughts.  

Please check TroopTrack for upcoming events!!


Yours in Scouting,

Helga Bonugli


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