Please join Pack 142 at the Sheep Hill Observatory for the Winter Skies Event.
When: Sunday January 12, 2020 6:30pm – 7:45pm
Where: Sheep Hill Observatory 300 Ross Dr Boonton, NJ
Attire: Pack T-shirt
We have made reservations for a visit to the local observatory for a fun, educational evening of star and planet gazing! Please note this event is very much conditional on the weather – in the event the skies are not sufficiently clear, we will need to reschedule. So stay tuned for an update as the day approaches and please RSVP by Tuesday, January 7th.
Finally, note that the suggested donation by the observatory is $5/adult and $2/child. Please let us know if this is a problem. The attachment to this email contains more information.
Sheep Hill Observatory Visitor Guide.pdf
See you there!
Rescheduled: Please join us for our January 16th Den Meeting covering our "Team Tiger" elective!
Location: Littleton Gym, moving onto a Littleton classroom.
Time: 7pm – 8:15pm
Troop 72 has invited our den to join their January camping trip. The troop will be leaving Saint Peter's Church on Rt. 46 at 7:30 PM on January 17, and returning to Parsippany High School around 11:00 AM on Sunday the 19th.
We will be cabin camping at Camp Lewis in Rockaway, New Jersey. The cost is $10. If you are not able to camp overnight, you are welcome to attend Saturday and should arrive by 9:30am.
Attached are the permission slip required for the trip T72_January_2020 (1).pdf and the BSA A/B Medical form Medical form A&B.pdf
They would like to collect these forms and have a headcount at their Wednesday, January 8th meeting. You can email and scan the forms to Yohanny at
Thank you!
Please join Pack 142 at Pinewood Derby Check in #1
Event Location: Littleton School FRONT door
Dress Requirements: Free Dress
Check-in will be quick and it will only be necessary to come to the Tuesday 1/21 check-in or Thursday 1/23 check-in, NOT both.
Car Numbers will be assigned at Check-In This Year
Attached are the rules for the Pinewood derby, but the basic synopsis is:
– Max weight: 5.0 oz. on the official Pack 142 scale
– Length: max 7 inches
– Height: max 3-3/4 inches
– Width: 2-3/4 inches
– Clearance: min 3/8 inches
– Nose: min 1/8 inch
– Wheelbase: standard kit
– Wheels and axles – standard kit, no hub caps
Please see Section II in Rules and Regulations for a more detailed description.
Please ensure that you register your attendance for the Pinewood Derby via TroopTrack and check your car in at one of the times listed above.
If you have any questions regarding Pack 142 or the Pinewood Derby, please email or phone 570-212-2036.
Please join Pack 142 at Pinewood Derby Check in #2
Event Location: Littleton School FRONT door
Dress Requirements: Free Dress
Car Numbers will be assigned at Check-In This Year
Please ensure that you register your attendance for the Pinewood Derby via TroopTrack and check your car in at one of the times listed above.
If you have any questions regarding Pack 142 or the Pinewood Derby, please email or phone 9570-212-2036.
Please join Pack 142 at our Annual Pinewood Derby!
Event Location: Littleton School
Dress Requirements: Scout Uniform
07:20pm – 07:40pm – Wolf Division
07:40pm – 08:00pm – Siblings’ Race
08:00pm – 08:20pm – Bear Division
08:20pm – 08:40pm – Webelos Division
08:40pm – 09:00pm – AOL Division
09:00pm – 09:20pm – Adult charity race
09:20pm – 09:40pm – Pack Finals Champion Run
09:40pm – 10:00pm – Awards
10:00pm – 10:30pm – Clean-up ***Volunteers needed!***
Please ensure that you register your attendance for the Pinewood Derby via TroopTrack and check your car in at one of the times listed above.
If you have any questions regarding Pack 142 or the Pinewood Derby, please email or phone 570-212-2036.