Please join me for our first ever virtual Tiger Den Meeting! We will be going over personal and fire safety to earn our "Tigers: Safe and Smart" elective. During the meeting, we will go over some basics of personal safety (when to call 911 etc) as well recite our addresses and an emergency contact number and draw up a home fire escape plan. Please make sure your scout has access to paper, a ruler and a pencil. Thanks very much and looking forward to see the scouts soon!
I will send out the zoom or MS teams link via email the day of the call.
Event Time: 5:45PM – 9:00PM
Event Location: The Birchwood Manor, Whippany – 111 N Jefferson Rd Whippany, NJ 07981, US
Dress Requirements: Scout Uniform
This event is free to attendees! Unit leaders, committee members, unit youth leaders and others involved in Scouting should attend.
Vendors host tables offering programs, service projects, fun times, education programs and events that can be an integral part of your unit’s calendar. Visit these tables and pick up information and get your questions answered.
Many events are run by volunteer committees in Patriots’ Path Council. From the Alumni committee to the Youth Executive committee, table abound in the ballroom area with information and ideas to make your 2019-2020 Scouting year GREAT! Stop by and see what’s in store for your group. This years’ committees, et al that have committee to exhibiting are under the PPC Groups Exhibiting tab.
Stop by and greet your volunteer district leaders that plan many district events (klondikes, cub camping, troop camping, etc.). Towns in Patriots’ Path Council are part of a geographical district. If you don’t know which district you are in, ask at the registration/welcome desk on your way in and they will let you know.
Door prizes are plentiful as are the free appetizers and the fellowship!
Hello scouts, family and caregivers. We hope everyone is doing well and safe. We wanted to try and do our first virtual Den Meeting for the Wolves! For our last scheduled meeting that was cancelled, I had purchased some "Make your own Kite" kits for the AIR OF THE WOLF elective. I would like to drop off the kites to you or you can pick up at my home. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PARTICIPATE SO, I CAN GET THEM TO YOU. In addition, I will be sending out individual progress reports to let you know what can be done on your own. I'm sure many of you have this covered. I just need to hear it from you. We will try to include some required adventures to get some of you caught up. As always, we will cover the basics…..Scout Oath, Scout Law and Pledge of Allegiance. So, please be prepared! I will send everyone a new email with a Zoom invitation. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate!
Yours in scouting,
Helga Bonugli
Monthly Committee Meeting
IMPORTANT: If you have forgotten your TroopTrack login or are not sure how to login and RSVP, please email and we will assist you with activating your account.
These meetings are designed for adults only and supervision is not provided for children. Thank you for your understanding!
Mr, Troy Adams will be our guest to head this meeting on the Whittling chip requirement. One parent is requested to attend this meeting with their scout as we go over the safety requirements of using a knife along with some knife using techniques. Please arrange for a bar of soap and a good quality plastic knife for this meeting. Zoom Meeting Invite will be sent out by 5pm on Tuesday June 9th 2020 (Same day as the meeting).
Hi Tiger den – Please join us for our June virtual den meeting! In this meeting, we will be earning our "Tiger Jungle" requirement and playing a fun game. In prep for the meeting, please work with your scout to do the following:
1) With a parent/guardian, go outside and listen for the sounds of nature. Pick out at least two sights or sounds of nature that your scout can discuss at the den meeting
2) Go on a "1 foot hike". This can be done in your yard or any local park. Mark off 1 square foot – ideally something that looks interesting. Look closely at what you see – a magnifying glass could help! Look for things like bugs, pebbles, worms, insect eggs etc. Write down what you see and discuss at the den meeting.
I'll send out a zoom invite via email the night before!
PS – I'm planning a den outing for July; it will be a bike ride. More to come on that.
Join Pack 142 for a Kite Derby!
Event Location: Parsippany Hills High School
Event Details: Please join us for a kite derby! All you will need to bring is a kite! We will have some friendly competition & judging and a cool snack. To be eligible for the competitions, your kite must fly, use standard string lines (no wire flight lines) and contain no dangerous construction components. It is perfectly acceptable to purchase a kite or build your own.
See you there!