Event Time: 6:30PM – 8:00PM
Event Location: Residence of Troy & Stephanie Adams – 38 Stockton Court, Morris Plains
Dress Requirements: Pack T-Shirt
Cost: $5 (to cover the cost of the materials)
Important: Please note updated location – Due to weather and snow from recent storms, the meeting will be held at the residence of Troy & Stephanie Adams – 38 Stockton Court, Morris Plains.
Our Bear den will meet to build their own Toolbox as part of the Baloo the Builder Requirement! There is a small cost of $5 per person to help cover the cost of the materials for each den member.
Important – All scouts should bring a hammer as it will be needed to put the toolbox together!
Please join Pack 142 at our March Pack Meeting
Event Date: Thursday, March 15, 2018
Event Time: 7:00PM – 8:30PM
Event Location: Brooklawn Middle School – Cafeteria
Dress Requirements: Pack T-Shirt
IMPORTANT: Please note new location – Brooklawn Middle School
Summer Planning Committee Meeting
Event Time: 2:00PM – 5:30PM
Event Location: Residence of Troy & Stephanie Adams – 38 Stockton Court, Morris Plains
This meeting is to plan Pack 142's Summer calendar for 2018. It is important that all committee members and interested parents attend.
IMPORTANT: If you have forgotten your TroopTrack login or are not sure how to login and RSVP, please email and we will assist you with activating your account.
These meetings are designed for adults only and supervision is not provided for children. Thank you for your understanding!
Event Time: 6:30PM – 7:15PM
Event Location: Littleton School
Dress Requirements: Lion T-Shirt
Special guest, Steve Tizzoni will be sharing his passion for coin collecting with the boys to help them complete their Adventures in Coins elective. Please have your son bring a coin that they find interesting and would like to share its story. No worries if its a common coin, as long as your son finds it interesting and can tell everyone why. If Steve needs for the boys to bring anything else, I will send a follow-up email.
Event Time: 7:15PM – 8:30PM
Event Location: Littleton School
Dress Requirements: Scout Uniform
Event Time: 7:00PM – 8:30PM
Event Location: Residence of Troy & Stephanie Adams – 38 Stockton Court, Morris Plains
Dress Requirements: Pack T-Shirt
Our Webelo Den will be working on our Cyber Chip requirement and discussing other outstanding requirements that are needed prior to June 1 (the new scouting year).
Please be sure to RSVP to let us know you are coming. If you have forgotten your TroopTrack login or are not sure how to login and RSVP, please email to let us know