Please join Pack 142 and others at the Memorial Day Ceremony
Event Date: Monday, May 28, 2018
Event Time: 9:30AM – 10:30AM
Event Location: Veterans Memorial Park – 1855 US Highway 46, Parsippany, NJ
Dress Requirements: Full Scout uniform
Pack 142 and their families are invited to attend the Parsippany Memorial Day Ceremony to honor of those men and women who have served and continue to serve our country.
Please arrive between 9:30AM and 9:45AM. Once the service is complete, we will relocate to the parade starting point.
Please be sure to RSVP to let us know you are coming. If you have forgotten your TroopTrack login or are not sure how to login and RSVP, please email to let us know!
Please join Pack 142 as we march in the 2018 Memorial Day Parade!
Event Date: Monday, May 28, 2018
Event Time: 11:00AM – 2:30PM
Event Location: Parade starts at 12 noon – Please see below details..
Dress Requirements: Full Scout uniform
Scouts will march in full uniform in honor of those men and women who have served and continue to serve our country.
- Please arrive at the check in point located at the intersection of Greenbank Road / Lake Shore Drive and Knoll Road by 11:00AM
- Once checked in, please proceed to the parade staging area located along Katherine Drive. Township staff will be present to direct to you to the correct location.
- Pack 142 will depart Katherine Drive and enter the main parade route along North Beverwyck Road
- The Parade will continue along North Beverwyck Road to the reviewing stand located approximately at the intersection of Claudine Terrace.
Pack 142 will distribute candy along the path. We would appreciate it if you could provide your child with a bag of candy to distribute to others along the way.
If you experience difficulty with finding us on the day, please phone or text Troy Adams on 973-437-6163.
Please be sure to RSVP to let us know you are coming. If you have forgotten your TroopTrack login or are not sure how to login and RSVP, please email to let us know!
Please join Pack 142 as we participate in the
Lake Parsippany Flea Market & Community Garage Sale!
This is a great opportunity for pack members to sell camp cards to share details on scouting with our local community. All money raised will be distributed between scouts who participate in our camp card "show and sell" and can be used towards Scout Summer Camp or pack activities!
In an effort to make it easier to identify who is able to attend during each slot, we are using Sign Up Genius to collect registration information.
Please click here to let us know which slot/s you are able to attend…
Event Date: Saturday, June 2, 2018
Event Time: 9:00AM – 4:00PM (1 hour slots)
Event Location: Shoreline – Near Drewes Beach on Lake Shoare Drive, across from Dorothy Road, Lake Parsippany
Dress Requirements: Scout Uniform
Event Time: 5:45PM – 9:00PM
Event Location: The Birchwood Manor, Whippany – 111 N Jefferson Rd Whippany, NJ 07981, US
Dress Requirements: Scout Uniform
This event is free to attendees! Unit leaders, committee members, unit youth leaders and others involved in Scouting should attend.
Vendors host tables offering programs, service projects, fun times, education programs and events that can be an integral part of your unit’s calendar. Visit these tables and pick up information and get your questions answered.
Many events are run by volunteer committees in Patriots’ Path Council. From the Alumni committee to the Youth Executive committee, table abound in the ballroom area with information and ideas to make your 2018-2019 Scouting year GREAT! Stop by and see what’s in store for your group. This years’ committees, et al that have committee to exhibiting are under the PPC Groups Exhibiting tab.
Stop by and greet your volunteer district leaders that plan many district events (klondikes, cub camping, troop camping, etc.). Towns in Patriots’ Path Council are part of a geographical district. If you don’t know which district you are in, ask at the registration/welcome desk on your way in and they will let you know.
Door Prizes: Some vendors and committees donate door prizes. They will have buckets on their table for you to put your tickets in. There are two drawings held and you must be present to win. Everyone that attends will receive some door prize tickets. More details on ways to earn more tickets are coming but preregistering and bringing someone that has not attended before are ways to earn more tickets! Of course, there will be a door prize tab as the prize start coming in.
Cub Scout Expo is coming to the Tradeshow of Scouting this year. The Expo will be located in its own room with tables relating to programs and events for Cub Scouts. Check out the Cub Scout Expo tab for more information.
Additional details will be provided closer to the event. Please stay tuned for more details!
Event Time: 6:30PM – 7:15PM
Event Location: Littleton School
Dress Requirements: Pack T-Shirt
Monthly Committee Meeting
Event Time: 7:00PM – 8:30PM
Event Location: Residence of Troy & Stephanie Adams – 38 Stockton Court, Morris Plains
IMPORTANT: If you have forgotten your TroopTrack login or are not sure how to login and RSVP, please email and we will assist you with activating your account.
These meetings are designed for adults only and supervision is not provided for children. Thank you for your understanding!
Please join Pack 142 at our June Pack Meeting & Flag Retirement Ceremony
Event Date: Thursday, June 14, 2018
Event Time: 7:00PM – 8:30PM
Event Location: American Legion Post 155, 13 Legion Place, Whippany, NJ
Dress Requirements: Scout Uniform
Please note event location is at the American Legion Post 155 HQ – 13 Legion Place, Whippany, NJ
– Hot dogs & Refreshments to be provided by American Legion Post 155
Pack 142 should plan on meeting at 7:00PM in full uniform. We will be participating in the American Legion Post 155 Flag Day Retirement Ceremony.