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Fall Hike @ Tourne County Park
Nov 4 @ 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Please join Pack 142 on our Fall Hike!

Event Date: Sunday, November 4, 2018
Event Time: 1:00PM – 3:30PM
Event Location: Tourne County Park – 137 Old Denville Rd, Boonton, NJ 07005
Dress Requirements: Pack T-Shirt/Layers

We invite all pack members and interested guests to attend our fall hike! Due to limited parking at our original hiking location, we have decided to hike at Tourne County Park instead…

For more information on Tourne County Park and driving directions, please click here.

We will meet at the Gazebo near the parking lot that is located just past "Park Maintenance" on the west side park entrance. Please click here to view a trail map.
Scouts that are working towards their hiking requirement should bring a backpack with the Cub Scout Six Essentials for Hiking.
  1. First Aid Kit – A kit should include a few adhesive bandages, some moleskin (a sticky bandage that you can put over a blister to keep it from getting worse or rubbing), and a bandage or two.
  2. Filled water bottle Make sure it is big enough to carry water for you to drink through your whole hike and back. And make sure it is full when you start out! It is not safe to drink water you find along the trail.
  3. Flashlight Check your batteries to make sure they have plenty of juice. Your flashlight will be used only in an emergency, so save the batteries for times when you really need them!
  4. Trail food Trail mix or a granola bar provide quick energy when you need it.
  5. Sun Protection Sunscreen should be SPF 30 or greater. A hat is good to have, too!
  6. Whistle It's only for emergencies, but a whistle will last longer than your voice.
We are looking forward to welcoming some new families and visitors that are interested in finding out more about Pack 142 to our pack meeting!
You are welcome to invite any friends and families with boys that are Cub Scout age (grades K-5). Please be sure to RSVP to let us know you are coming and how many guests to expect.
If one or more friends of your Cub Scout join our pack, your Cub Scout and all new friends that they recruit will receive a “My Best Friend is a Scout” patch. Your Cub Scout will also be presented with a “Recruiter” patch.
IMPORTANT: If you have forgotten your TroopTrack login or are not sure how to login and RSVP, please email to let us know!
If you have any questions, please email or phone us on 973-437-6163.
Committee Meeting @ Residence of Troy & Stephanie Adams
Nov 6 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Monthly Committee Meeting

Event Date: Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Event Time: 7:00PM – 8:30PM
Event Location: Residence of Troy & Stephanie Adams – 38 Stockton Court, Morris Plains
Please join leaders and our pack committee members at our monthly committee meeting! This is where we work together to plan upcoming pack activities and events. We invite all parents, committee members and leaders to participate in these very important meetings!
Please RSVP to each meeting to let us know you are coming and if you are planning on bringing any guests.

IMPORTANT: If you have forgotten your TroopTrack login or are not sure how to login and RSVP, please email and we will assist you with activating your account.

These meetings are designed for adults only and supervision is not provided for children. Thank you for your understanding!

AOL Den Meeting @ Residence of Troy & Stephanie Adams
Nov 8 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
AOL Den Meeting
Event Date: Thursday, November 8, 2018
Event Time: 7:00PM – 8:30PM
Event Location: Residence of Troy & Stephanie Adams – 38 Stockton Court, Morris Plains
Dress Requirements: Pack T-Shirt
Our AOL Den will be working on requirements for the Arrow of Light rank. This meeting will focus on the Movie Making Elective Adventure

The AOL meeting and activity schedule has been built to ensure that all AOL scouts are able to complete all requirements for their Arrow of Light Rank prior to the Blue & Gold Banquet in early March, 2019. We understand that families have many different commitments and it may not be possible to attend all meetings. If an AOL scout misses a meeting or other scheduled activity (including camping trips and joint activities with local scout troops) that is directly related to one or more Arrow of Light requirements, it is important that the AOL scout works with his family and pack leadership to complete the missed requirement/s as soon as possible.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email or phone 973-437-6163.

Please be sure to RSVP to let us know you are coming. If you have forgotten your TroopTrack login or are not sure how to login and RSVP, please email to let us know
Make- Up Fitness Requirement
Nov 12 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Hi Everyone,

If you were not able to attend our fitness requirement den meeting early this month, here is a make up date. This kids had fun playing various sports and learning stretches and different ways to exercise. It may be cold so dress accordingly.  



St. Christopher’s Food Collection @ St. Christopher's Church
Nov 17 @ 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Community Service – St. Christopher's Food Collection

Event Date: Saturday, November 17, 2018
Event Time: 4:40PM – 6:10PM
Event Location: St. Christopher's Church – 1050 Littleton Rd, Parsippany, NJ 07054
Dress Requirements: Full Scout Uniform

Community Service is a big part of scouting. Please help St. Christopher's collect food outside mass with Troop 173. Scouts will then work together to sort and box food for delivery.

Each rank requires community service, and this is a great way to help our community. We have slots available on Saturday, November 17, 2018 and Sunday, November 18, 2018. Please donate a few hours of your time to help with this great cause.

If you have any questions, please reach us via email or phone 973-437-6163.

 Thank you for helping us support our community!

St. Christopher’s Food Collection @ St. Christopher's Church
Nov 18 @ 7:45 am – 1:45 pm

Community Service – St. Christopher's Food Collection

Event Date: Sunday, November 18, 2018
Event Time: 7:45AM – 1:45PM
Event Location: St. Christopher's Church – 1050 Littleton Rd, Parsippany, NJ 07054
Dress Requirements: Full Scout Uniform

Community Service is a big part of scouting. Please help St. Christopher's collect food outside mass with Troop 173. Scouts will then work together to sort and box food for delivery.

Each rank requires community service, and this is a great way to help our community. We have slots available on Saturday, November 17, 2018 and Sunday, November 18, 2018. Please donate a few hours of your time to help with this great cause.

When submitting your RSVP, please indicate in the notes section which slot/s you are able to attend.

The following slots are available:

  • 7:45AM to 9:00AM
  • 8:55AM to 10:10AM
  • 10:25AM to 11:40AM
  • 11:55AM to 1:45PM

    If you have any questions, please reach us via email or phone 973-437-6163.

 Thank you for helping us support our community!

Bear Den Meeting @ Littleton Gym
Nov 29 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

<<<Rescheduled from November 8th>>>>

In this meeting, we'll be starting the Beat of the Drum elective.  We'll have 2 main focuses for this meeting.  The first part of the meeting, we'll be learning about legends, what they are, how they originate, and what their purpose is.  The boys will be creating their own simple legend and will be developing a skit around the legend that they create (note: we'll be coming back to this skit for several den meetings after this, practicing to present it to the Pack,

The second part of the meeting, the boys will be learning how to make a paracord bracelet.  To help prepare you and your son for the meeting, I will follow up with a link for a Youtube video that demonstrates how to weave the paracord for the bracelet..

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