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Spring Hike @ Jockey Hollow
May 7 @ 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Update:  We will be starting out hike at the parking lot near the New York Brigade Trail.  This is near the intersection of Jockey Hollow Road and Grand Parade Road.  I'm attaching the park map with our starting point circled.  Our plan is to start the hike at 1pm.  So please try to arrive by 12:45pm.

While not specific to this trail or area, all reports indicate that this is going to be a bad year for ticks.  The best repellent is permethrin-treated clothing.  Permethrin can be purchased at Walmart, Amazon, and similar outlets and should be applied the day before. Amazon – Sawyer Permethrin Spray  Also think high socks and long pants

Jockey Hollow trail Map.pdf

Please join Pack 142 on our Spring Hike!

Event Date: Sunday, May 7, 2017
Event Time: 1:00PM – 4:00PM
Event Location: Jockey Hollow
Dress Requirements: Pack T-Shirt

Please see click here for the trail map! Mr. Mazur will send an email out to provide detailed instructions on our meeting point, however we will meet at the main parking area at 1:00PM. Please ensure you bring water and small trail snack! Scouts that are working towards their hiking requirement should bring a backpack with the Cub Scout Six Essentials for Hiking.

  1. First Aid Kit – A kit should include a few adhesive bandages, some moleskin (a sticky bandage that you can put over a blister to keep it from getting worse or rubbing), and a bandage or two.
  2. Filled water bottle Make sure it is big enough to carry water for you to drink through your whole hike and back. And make sure it is full when you start out! It is not safe to drink water you find along the trail.
  3. Flashlight Check your batteries to make sure they have plenty of juice. Your flashlight will be used only in an emergency, so save the batteries for times when you really need them!
  4. Trail food Trail mix or a granola bar provide quick energy when you need it.
  5. Sun Protection Sunscreen should be SPF 30 or greater. A hat is good to have, too!
  6. Whistle It's only for emergencies, but a whistle will last longer than your voice.

We are looking forward to welcoming some new families and visitors that are interested in finding out more about Pack 142 to our pack meeting! You are welcome to invite any friends and families with boys that are Cub Scout age (grades K-5). Please be sure to RSVP to let us know you are coming and how many guests to expect.

If one or more friends of your Cub Scout join our pack, your Cub Scout and all new friends that they recruit will receive a “My Best Friend is a Scout” patch. Your Cub Scout will also be presented with a “Recruiter” patch.

IMPORTANT: If you have forgotten your TroopTrack login or are not sure how to login and RSVP, please email [email protected] to let us know!

Den 6 Meeting @ Parsippany Soccer Clubhouse
May 10 @ 5:45 pm – 6:45 pm
LION Den meeting @ Littleton School GYM
May 11 @ 6:30 pm – 7:15 pm

Lion Den Meeting

Committee Meeting @ Residence of Troy & Stephanie Adams
May 16 @ 7:15 pm – 8:30 pm

Monthly Committee Meeting

Event Date: Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Event Time: 7:15PM – 8:30PM
Event Location: Residence of Troy & Stephanie Adams – 38 Stockton Court, Morris Plains
Please join leaders and our pack committee members at our monthly committee meeting! This is where we work together to plan upcoming pack activities and events. We invite all parents, committee members and leaders to participate in these very important meetings!
Please RSVP to each meeting to let us know you are coming and if you are planning on bringing any guests.

IMPORTANT: If you have forgotten your TroopTrack login or are not sure how to login and RSVP, please email [email protected] and we will assist you with activating your account.

These meetings are designed for adults only and supervision is not provided for children. Thank you for your understanding!

Spring GHC Campout and Cubmobile Race! @ Glacier Hills Association
May 20 @ 3:00 pm – May 21 @ 10:30 am

Please join Pack 142 at our Spring GHA Campout and Cubmobile Race!

Event Date: Saturday, May 20, 2017 – Sunday, May 21, 2017
Event Time: 3:00PM (Saturday) – 10:30AM (Sunday)
Event Location: Glacier Hills Association
Dress Requirements: Pack T-Shirt & Camping Gear
Cost: $5 per person (to help cover the cost of food)

Due to a last minute GHC Park Committee schedule change, we have been advised that we are unable to arrive at the Glacier Hills Association – 7 Forum Court, Morris Plains until 3:00PM on Saturday, May 20, 2017. This is due to urgent work that needs to be performed in order to ensure the pool can open for Memorial Day weekend.

Pack 142 apologizes for the last minute notice, however we received notification from GHC late on Thursday, May 18, 2017. We thank families for their understanding and last minute flexibility.

Our May pack meeting is jam packed with fun activities! This includes our annual Cubmobile race and Spring Campout!
This is a great opportunity for our newer members to have their first camping experience while staying close to home!
Not ready to camp? You are still welcome to join us for the Cubmobile race, dinner and some amazing campfire entertainment! If you are unable to stay for the entire camping trip, please email [email protected] to let us know details so that we can accommodate your family.

Pack 142 planned activities will begin shortly after 3:00PM and will include (but will not be limited to): Cubmobile Racing, Scavenger Hunt, etc.

Arrive from 3:00PM to set up your tent and prepare for our fun activities!

3:00PM – 4:00PM – Tent Building and Set up
4:00PM – 5:00PM – Scavenger Hunt
5:00PM – 5:45PM – Fire Building and Dinner Preparation
5:45PM – 6:45PM – Dinner (Mac & Cheese / Hot Dogs)
6:45PM – 8:15PM – Cubmobile Racing
8:15PM – 9:00PM – Clean Up, Downtime and Skit Preparation
9:00PM – 10:00PM – Campfire Entertainment with Marshmallows
10:00PM – Quiet time (all non-campers to depart by this time)

Breakfast (Pancakes) will be provided in the morning and all campers will depart by 10:30AM

Please ensure that your scout (and scout-age guests) bring protective head gear for the Cubmobile race. Scouts and their guests will not be able to race if they don’t have protective head gear. We strongly recommend long pants and/or knee and elbow pads as well. Safety is our top priority!

Our Cubmaster and Den Leaders will be available throughout the weekend to help you and your child finalize any requirements that are still needed for their rank. Pack 142 needs to submit all advancement reports by June 1, 2017.

Pack 142 will provide dinner, breakfast and some amazing fun!
We ask that families bring tents, sleeping bags, protective head gear for Cubmobile racing 
and a side dish or dessert for dinner. If you are not sure what to bring, please email [email protected] or contact your den leader.

If you have any special dietary requirements, be sure to email [email protected] by Thursday, May 18, 2017 so that we can accommodate your request.

Please be sure to RSVP to let us know you are coming. If you have forgotten your TroopTrack login or are not sure how to login and RSVP, please email [email protected] to let us know!

Tiger Den Meeting (optional) @ Kerry Corbett's House
May 25 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Please refer to my email for details related to the meeting.  Also note the time and location change.

Memorial Day Ceremony @ Veterans Memorial Park
May 29 @ 9:30 am – 10:30 am

Please join Pack 142 and others at the Memorial Day Ceremony

Event Date: Monday, May 29, 2017
Event Time: 9:30AM – 10:30AM
Event Location: Veterans Memorial Park – 1855 US Highway 46, Parsippany, NJ
Dress Requirements: Full Scout uniform

Pack 142 and their families are invited to attend the Parsippany Memorial Day Ceremony to honor of those men and women who have served and continue to serve our country.

Please arrive between 9:30AM and 9:45AM. Once the service is complete, we will relocate to the parade starting point.

Please be sure to RSVP to let us know you are coming. If you have forgotten your TroopTrack login or are not sure how to login and RSVP, please email [email protected] to let us know!

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