Hi Everyone,
Sorry for any inconvenience but I rescheduled our 2/7 Den meeting to Wednesday 2/13 at 7:15PM. There is some conflicts with attendance next Thursday and I have to fly to Florida for work now. I will definitely be available 2/13 as this will be an important meeting to ensure we are meeting all the requirements for Blue and Dinner awards for the boy to Rank up to Arrow of Light.
Please email me if you can not make our 2/13 meeting and let me know what other days and time work for you. I will be doing make up dates so that I meet with every scout. I have access to a conference room in Morris Plains we can use. I need to meet with each of them and review their progress and work on any items that we need to complete. If you are not able to attend the First Aid/CPR certified training at Winnebego on 2/9 please let me know so I can work on alternative arrangements on this as well.
I will be awarding pins at our Pack Meeting 2/21. Our Blue and Gold is on 3/3 that is 12-4pm. Please plan on attending.
Congrats to all the award winners for the Pinewood Derby especially Aidan Kane for his big first place win! I look forward to seeing you on 2/13 at Littleton in Room 7 or at another date that works for you that week or the following.
Thank you!
Ian Sims
Cell: 973-460-1029
Event Time: 7:00PM – 8:30PM
Event Location: Residence of Troy & Stephanie Adams – 38 Stockton Court, Morris Plains, NJ
Dress Requirements: Free Dress
We will be meeting at 38 Stockton Court, Morris Plains.
This is meeting is for AOL parents to discuss plans for the Blue & Gold Banquet. We ask that all parents of our AOL den attend this event to ensure a successful Blue & Gold Banquet and crossover ceremony.
The AOL meeting and activity schedule has been built to ensure that all AOL scouts are able to complete all requirements for their Arrow of Light Rank prior to the Blue & Gold Banquet in early March, 2019. We understand that families have many different commitments and it may not be possible to attend all meetings. If an AOL scout misses a meeting or other scheduled activity (including camping trips and joint activities with local scout troops) that is directly related to one or more Arrow of Light requirements, it is important that the AOL scout works with his family and pack leadership to complete the missed requirement/s as soon as possible.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email or phone 973-437-6163.
Please join Pack 142 at our February Pack Meeting
Event Date: Thursday, February 21, 2019
Event Time: 7:00PM – 8:30PM
Event Location: Littleton School
Dress Requirements: Scout Uniform
Highlights include:
-Hero's Theme
-Visit from several emergency services departments (fire, police, ambulance,etc)
We are look forward to welcoming some new families and visitors that are interested in finding out more about Pack 142 to all of our meetings. You are welcome to invite any friends and families with boys that are Cub Scout age (grades K-5). Please be sure to RSVP to let us know you are coming and how many guests to expect.
Please note the location change
Sorry for the last minute reschedule. I have to make an unplanned trip for work later this week.
Please join Pack 142 at our Blue & Gold Banquet!
Event Date: Sunday, March 3, 2019
Event Time: 12:00PM – 4:00PM
Event Location: Knoll Country Club West – 12 Knoll Lane, Boonton, NJ 07005
Dress Requirements: Scout Uniform
Cost: Each scout attends for free and all guests (including siblings) are $35 each. The cost includes a buffet lunch and entertainment!
We would like to invite you and your family to attend our annual Blue and Gold Banquet. The "Blue and Gold" brings families together for an afternoon of fun and inspiration. We recognize the achievements of pack members and hold a special bridging ceremony for our Arrow of Light Scouts who will be moving on to Boy Scouts.
A buffet lunch and afternoon of entertainment will be provided!
To allow for planning, we ask that all families RSVP no later than Thursday, February 21, 2019.
NOTE: To secure your spot FULL PAYMENT must be received by Thursday, February 21, 2019. Cub Scouts have their fee included as part of their annual dues. The price for all guests (including siblings) is $35.
You are able to submit payment in the following ways:
– At a pack meeting or event (prior to the registration deadline)
– Online via PayPal (PayPal transaction fees apply)
– Mailing us a check (email for details)
Thank you for your understanding and prompt payment.
Please email or phone 973-437-6163 with any questions.
Thank you for your support of Pack 142!
Please join Pack 142 Skiing!
Event Date: Saturday, March 9, 2019
Event Time: 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Event Location: Shawnee Ski Resort
Dress Requirements: Ski Gear
Click here to see pricing including Early Bird discounts.
Important: All tickets must be purchased online.
Hi All!
Based on some feedback this is the best date I can come up with for the TD bank tour. Kids will get a badge, a certificate, and I think a goodie bag too. They will learn how the bank works see the vaulty and things like that. Only a 20-30 minute meeting. Please RSVP by end of the month beucause the bank will make your scout a personalized certificate in advance.
I hope you to see you all there if you can make it. This is a good opportunity for the kids to learn more about money management and banking. They are growing up so quick!
Cell: 973-460-1029