This is part two our den meeting focusing on the "Scouting Adventure" requirement
Hello – Just a reminder to please RSVP for camping by tomorrow, September 4th, if you are planning to join us. Thanks!
Please join us for our annual Fall Camping trip at the Great Divide campground!
Location: The Great Divide Campground, Newton NJ
Time: Arrive 12:30-2:30pm to setup, pack activities to start around 2:30pm
Cost: $20 person if staying over night, $10 per person if coming just for the day & dinner (money will be used to mostly cover campground fees, pack will cover cost of centrally purchased food.)
While Covid-19 will impact what we cook and what activities we do, we believe that we can stay safe and still enjoy the great outdoors together as a pack. Activities we select will be more amenable to social distancing, likely including hiking and/or fishing. To ensure we stay safe, we will be adhering to the following guidelines from council (see attachment). This will include modifying our normal buffet-style dinner plans to ensure the safety of all.
We are currently working on making reservations with the campground. We will need a final count by early September, so please RSVP by Thursday Septemeber 3rd.
Please emal or text Steve with any questions at 570-212-2036 or
Please join us for our 1st October Wolf Den meeting! We will be going over additional requirements to achieve our "Call of the Wild requirement" and start working on our Duty to Country requirement. We will: build a fire, discuss the outdoor code and "leave no trace policy" and possibly learn how to tie a square knot and/or fold an American flag depending on time.
Location: Glacier Hills Association
Date/Time: October 1st, 6:45pm-7:45pm
See you there!
Please join Pack 142 for our Lions Den Meeting. We will be working on our Fun on the Run requirement.
RSVP by Oct. 5th, please.
Yours in scouting,
Stephanie Lynch
A trip to Rifle Camp Park in Woodland Park (formally West Paterson, where I grew up 🙂 ). In this meeting, the den will work on their forestry elective, identifying tree groups and plants. More importantly, they will see the impact of urban sprawl both within the park and from the overlook, which overlooks Clifton, Montclair, and towns east all the way up to the NYC skyline.
Note, we are going to the Rifle Camp Park, not the Garret Mountain Reservation.
Just a reminder our Halloween themed pack meeting is tomorrow at 7pm at Glacier Hills. Costumes are welcome. Please RSVP if possible and don't forget to bring your popcorn papers!
Hi everyone! We will be working on the "Baloo the Builder" requirement. We will be working with wood to create a project. PLEASE BRING SAFETY GOGGLES, HAMMER AND POSSIBLY A SCREW DRIVER.
We will be outside again! The area does have lighting but, feel free to bring lanterns or flashlights for better visibility. Face masks and social distancing are required!