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Committee Meeting @ TBA
Jun 10 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Monthly Committee Meeting

Event Date: Tuesday, June 10, 2019
Event Time: 7:00PM – 8:30PM
Event Location: Steve Tizzoni's Residence 8 Highland Ct Morris Plains, NJ
Please join leaders and our pack committee members at our monthly committee meeting! This is where we work together to plan upcoming pack activities and events. We invite all parents, committee members and leaders to participate in these very important meetings!
Please RSVP to each meeting to let us know you are coming and if you are planning on bringing any guests.

IMPORTANT: If you have forgotten your TroopTrack login or are not sure how to login and RSVP, please email and we will assist you with activating your account.

These meetings are designed for adults only and supervision is not provided for children. Thank you for your understanding!

June Pack Meeting
Jun 17 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Please note the date change – we just learned the American Legion will be celebrating Flag Day on Monday, June 17.  After the flag retirement ceremony, we will be giving out awards including all rank badges.  Hope to see you there!



Please join Pack 142 at our June Pack Meeting & Flag Retirement Ceremony

Event Date: Monday, June 17, 2019
Event Time: 7:00PM – 8:30PM
Event Location: American Legion Post 155, 13 Legion Place, Whippany, NJ
Dress Requirements: Scout Uniform

Please note event location is at the American Legion Post 155 HQ – 13 Legion Place, Whippany, NJ

Highlights include:
– Flag Retirement Ceremony

– Hot dogs & Refreshments to be provided by American Legion Post 155 (please note there won't be a vegetarian option)

Pack 142 should plan on meeting at 7:00PM in full uniform. We will be participating in the American Legion Post 155 Flag Day Retirement Ceremony.

We are looking forward to welcoming some new families and visitors that are interested in finding out more about Pack 142 to all of our meetings. You are welcome to invite any friends and families with boys AND girls that are Cub Scout age (grades K-5). Please be sure to RSVP to let us know you are coming and how many guests to expect.
If one or more friends of your Cub Scout join our pack, your Cub Scout and all new friends that they recruit will receive a “My Best Friend is a Scout” patch. Your Cub Scout will also be presented with a “Recruiter” patch.
IMPORTANT: If you have forgotten your TroopTrack login or are not sure how to login and RSVP, please email to let us know!
If you have any questions, please email
Field Day @ Volunteers Park
Jun 27 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Please join Pack 142 at our Field Day Event!

Event Date: Thursday, June 27, 2019
Event Time: 7:00PM – 8:30PM
Event Location: Volunteers Park – 435 N Beverwyck Rd, Parsippany
Dress Requirements: Pack T-Shirt

Highlights include:

– Pack 142 Field Day 
– Campfire
Pack 142 invites all scouts and interested friends to our Field Day!
We are looking forward to welcoming some new families and visitors that are interested in finding out more about Pack 142 to our meeting. You are welcome to invite any friends and families with boys that are Cub Scout age (grades K-5). Please be sure to RSVP to let us know you are coming and how many guests to expect.
If one or more friends of your Cub Scout join our pack, your Cub Scout and all new friends that they recruit will receive a “My Best Friend is a Scout” patch. Your Cub Scout will also be presented with a “Recruiter” patch.

Please be sure to RSVP to let us know you are coming. If you have forgotten your TroopTrack login or are not sure how to login and RSVP, please email to let us know!

If you have any questions, please email

Annual Committee Planning Meeting
Jul 14 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Please join us at The Pack 142 Annual Committee Planning Meeting!

Event Date: Sunday July 14, 2019
Event Time: 10:000AM – 1:00PM
Event Location: Tizzoni Residence 8 Highland Ct Morris Plains, NJ

This meeting is to plan the calendar for Pack 142 in the 2019/2020 scouting year. It is important that all committee members and interested parents attend.

Food: Please feel free to bring your own snacks

Bring Kids: Optional if necessary

Location: Tizzoni Residence 8 Highland Ct Morris Plains, NJ

Please email or phone 570-212-2036 if you have any questions.

Please come to the meeting prepared with the following:

– Calendar (with school dates)

– New activity ideas

– Possible ideas on how we can improve pack activities

If you are unable to attend, please email your ideas to This is a great opportunity for you to provide your feedback and ideas!

We are looking forward to another successful year in scouting and need your help! Please RSVP to indicate your attendance.

Wheels in Motion & Ice Cream Social @ Littleton School Blacktop
Jul 18 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Rescheduling to Thursday July 18th – Hope you can make it!
Wheels in Motion & Ice Cream Social
Event Date: Thursday, July 18, 2019
Event Time: 6:30PM – 8:00PM
Event Location: Littleton School Blacktop – 51 Brooklawn Dr Morris Plains
Dress Requirements: Pack T-Shirt

Please ensure your RSVP by 9:00AM on Thursday, July 18, 2019 to ensure that we have enough materials (and ice cream) for everyone.

Pack 142 invites all scouts and their families to our Wheels in Motion & Ice Cream Social. We will enjoy some ice cream and fun activities!

Note: We will be setting up some games and activities that involve "Wheels in Motion." Scouts should bring bicycles, scooters or skates to this event to participate. Please remember to bring helmets and any other safety gear.

We welcome new families and visitors that are interested in finding out more about Pack 142 to attend any of our events! You are welcome to invite any friends and families with boys that are Cub Scout age (grades K-5). Please be sure to RSVP to let us know you are coming and how many guests to expect.

If one or more friends of your Cub Scout join our pack, your Cub Scout and all new friends that they recruit will receive a “My Best Friend is a Scout” patch. Your Cub Scout will also be presented with a “Recruiter” patch.

If you have any questions, please reach us via email or phone 570-212-2036.

Food Drive – Stop & Shop Morris Plains @ Stop & Shop
Jul 21 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Community Service – Food Drive

Event Date: Sunday, July 21, 2018
Event Time: 10:00AM – 1:00PM
Event Location: Stop & Shop – Morris Plains
Dress Requirements: Full Scout Uniform

Community Service is a big part of scouting. We are all so generous during the holiday seasons, but for many people hunger is a daily problem. Food pantries are in desperate need of supplies during the summer months.

Please consider joining us on Sunday, July 21st at Stop and Shop of Morris Plains to collect food and supplies for the Parsippany Food Pantry. We are in need of six (6) scouts and two (2) adults per hour.  

To sign up/RSVP, please confirm your time slot on our SignUp Genius. Please note we are also looking for a few scouts to help with delivering the food to the Parsippany Food Pantry on Monday, July 22nd.  

Let's do what we can to help a family in need this summer!

If you have any questions, please reach us via email or phone 570-212-2036.

 Thank you for helping us support our community!

Summer Fishing Derby @ Lake Ames Park
Jul 27 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Summer Fishing Derby – please note the location update!!


Event Date: Saturday, July 27, 2018
Event Time: 10:00AM – 12:00PM
Event Location:
Foxs Pond, Rockaway NJ (also referred to as Parks Lake, Rockaway NJ) 
Dress Requirements: Pack T-shirt 

Pack 142 invites you to participate in our Summer Fishing Derby at Foxs Pond. 

Location Information: Foxs Pond, Rockaway, NJ 07866 (corner of Chestnut Terrace & Mt. Hope Rd.)

                                       Your GPS or a google search should bring you to Foxs Pond, or search for the intersection of Chestnut Terrace and Mt Hope Rd. in Rockaway NJ

Parking Information:  There is a parking lot on the north end of the pond (right near Chestnut Terrace & Mt. Hope Rd.) where we will meet and then walk to the fishing spot.    

 If you have trouble finding us, please call 570-212-2036

Pack 142 will provide bait and a great time. We ask that families provide their own fishing rod and hooks.   As long there are not severe thunderstorms, we plan to hold this event rain or shine!   If you have any questions, please email

To participate (or help your child) in fishing each adult or person over the age of 16 must hold a NJ fishing license. Please click here for details and to purchase your license online.

We welcome new families and visitors that are interested in finding out more about Pack 142 to attend any of our events!You are welcome to invite any friends and families with boys that are Cub Scout age (grades K-5). Please be sure to RSVP to let us know you are coming and how many guests to expect.

If one or more friends of your Cub Scout join our pack, your Cub Scout and all new friends that they recruit will receive a “My Best Friend is a Scout” patch. Your Cub Scout will also be presented with a “Recruiter” patch.

If you have any questions, please reach us via email or phone 570-212-2036.

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