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Wolf Den Meeting @ Littleton School
Sep 26 @ 7:15 pm – 8:30 pm

Details coming soon

Fall Camping Trip @ The Great Divide Campground
Sep 28 @ 1:30 pm – Sep 29 @ 10:30 am

Hi everyone – I wanted to send out a reminder about our upcoming fall camping trip!   I will need to confirm our head count with the camp ground this week, so please RSVP for the camping trip by Tuesday Sept 17th.  For those who are able to attend, we ask that families bring a side dish or other item from this list.  Please click here to sign up:  Sign Up Genius Fall Camping

If you are a new family and have questions on what you will need etc, feel free to reach to me at or call at 570-212-2036.

Thank you!

Steve T

Please join Pack 142 at our Fall Campout!

Event Date: Saturday, September 28, 2019 – Sunday, September 29, 2019
Event Time: 1:30PM – 10:30AM
Event Location: The Great Divide Campground in Stanhope, NJ
Dress Requirements: Pack T-Shirt and Camping Gear
Cost: $20 per person to cover campground fees and food

Pack 142 will provide dinner, breakfast and some amazing fun! We ask that families bring tents, sleeping bags and a side dish for dinner.

Attending a campout will help your scout get a jump start on their requirements! We cover several requirements, including fire building and cooking. Many ranks require at least one campout, and this is a great opportunity to tick off that requirement.

Pack 142 planned activities will begin shortly after 2:00PM
and will include fun Fall activities and a hike!
Please RSVP via TroopTrack or email to by Saturday, September 13, 2019 so that we are able to provide the campground with a final count of those who will attend.
If there is a possibility you can attend, but you can't commit straight away, please email to let us know.
If you have any questions, please email or phone 570-212-2036.
We hope to see you there!
Webelos Hike Prep Meeting @ Littleton School
Oct 3 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

The preparation meeting for the boys' upcoming den hike.  They will be selecting the location, picking the trails, calculating the length, predetermining rest spots, planning the service portion, and building their first aid kit.

Popcorn Show & Sell – St Cristopher’s Church @ St Christoper's Church Parsippany
Oct 5 @ 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm

It's still POPCORN SELLING TIME, we only have 3 selling sessions left!

Please sign-up to participate in Pack 142's October 5th Popcorn Show and Sell at St. Christopher's Church.  We still have lots of popcorn left to sell and please remember that popcorn selling is our only fundraiser throughout the year and we use our proceeds to keep costs down for all members throughout the year!  We appreciate all of your help.

In an effort to make it easier to identify who is able to attend during each slot, we are using Sign Up Genius to collect registration information.  Please click here to sign-up:  Sign-Up Genius

We do not expect every scout to attend each fundraising event. It is important we all work together to ensure each scout receives an equal opportunity to help raise funds for our pack.

Event Date: Saturday October 5, 2019
Event Time: 4:30PM – 6:30PM
Event Location: St Christopher's Church Parsippany
Dress Requirements: Scout Uniform

Why should a scout sell popcorn?
1. To support scouting. 70% of the money collected goes straight to local scouting.
2. To earn money for your scout account with the pack to help make scouting more affordable for your family.

Prizes? What Prizes?.
1. All scouts who participate in sales will earn a 2019 Popcorn Sales Patch
2. Scouts selling $115 or more will win a prize from CampMasters
3. Scouts selling $750 or more, get all of the above, AND they join the $750 Club winning an additional prize and $25 scout bucks
4. Scouts selling $1600 or more, get all of the above, AND a Free Week of Summer Camp at any of the PPC owned camps.
5. If your scout is one of the TOP 100 sellers in all of PPC, they will also be eligible for special Top 100 Club offers from PPC
6. Above and Beyond – Additional Prize: Sell over $6,000 and receive a $150 Gift Card or $150 Camp Scholarship; Sell over $6,500 and receive a $250 Gift Card or $250 Camp Scholarship; or Sell over $7,000 and receive a $350 Gift Card or $350 Camp Scholarship

If you have any questions, please reach us via email or phone 570-212-2036.
Thank you for your support!
Popcorn Show & Sell – St Cristopher’s Church @ St Christoper's Church Parsippany
Oct 6 @ 8:15 am – 1:30 pm

Hi all – Please note that the signup genius has been updated to include slots through 1:30pm.  We did really well at St. Christopher's last year; we hope to have a repeat performance!  Thanks for your support!


Please sign-up to participate in Pack 142's October 6th Popcorn Show and Sell at St. Christopher's Church.  We still have lots of popcorn left to sell and please remember that popcorn selling is our only fundraiser throughout the year and we use our proceeds to keep costs down for all members throughout the year!  We appreciate all of your help.

In an effort to make it easier to identify who is able to attend during each slot, we are using Sign Up Genius to collect registration information.  Please click here to sign-up:  October 6th Sign-up Genius

We do not expect every scout to attend each fundraising event. It is important we all work together to ensure each scout receives an equal opportunity to help raise funds for our pack.

Event Date: Sunday October 6, 2019
Event Time: 8:15AM – 1:30PM
Event Location: St Christopher's Church Parsippany
Dress Requirements: Scout Uniform

Why should a scout sell popcorn?
1. To support scouting. 70% of the money collected goes straight to local scouting.
2. To earn money for your scout account with the pack to help make scouting more affordable for your family.

Prizes? What Prizes?.
1. All scouts who participate in sales will earn a 2019 Popcorn Sales Patch
2. Scouts selling $115 or more will win a prize from CampMasters
3. Scouts selling $750 or more, get all of the above, AND they join the $750 Club winning an additional prize and $25 scout bucks
4. Scouts selling $1600 or more, get all of the above, AND a Free Week of Summer Camp at any of the PPC owned camps.
5. If your scout is one of the TOP 100 sellers in all of PPC, they will also be eligible for special Top 100 Club offers from PPC
6. Above and Beyond – Additional Prize: Sell over $6,000 and receive a $150 Gift Card or $150 Camp Scholarship; Sell over $6,500 and receive a $250 Gift Card or $250 Camp Scholarship; or Sell over $7,000 and receive a $350 Gift Card or $350 Camp Scholarship

If you have any questions, please reach us via email or phone 570-212-2036.
Thank you for your support!
Webelo Den Hike @ TBD
Oct 6 @ 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

This is the tentative date for the den hike for the Webelos.  Unlike other hikes in the past, with this hike the boys will be in charge.  They will be responsible for planning, navigation, pace, rear guard, first aid, lunch, service, etc.

Den Meeting Sunday10/6 at 2:30PM
Oct 6 @ 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Hi Everyone!

Please join our den meeting 10/6 to fulfill one of our AOL core requirements. Possibility the location may change.

Also, please keep in mind our upcoming Pack Meeting next Thursday 9/12 at 7PM and fall camping Saturday 9/28 at the Great Divide campground. 

Just an update that Connor Lomax and Dennis P. will not be rejoining Scouts this year. We thank them for the contributions and great attitude. I am sure all the values and skills they have learned will serve them well and they are always welcome at the scout family if they ever want to rejoin or visit!

If anyone else may not rejoin please let me know. I will be updating the email list soon. If any friends want to join our den we would love to have them!!

All the Best,


Cell: 973-460-1029


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