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Tiger Den Meeting @ Littleton School
May 12 @ 7:15 pm – 8:45 pm

Please join us at our May 12 Tiger Den Meeting!

Scouts will work on the first part of the Tiger Bites requirement and we will help members of the den that need to catch up on their remaining requirements.

Event Date: Thursday, May 12, 2016
Event Time: 7:15PM – 8:45PM
Event Location: Littleton Gym
Dress Requirements: Scout Uniform

THIS WILL BE OUR SECOND LAST MEETING AS TIGER: It is important that as many scouts as possible attend this meeting. In order to complete the Tiger badge, we need to ensure all requirements are met by May 31, 2016. We will be starting on Wolf requirements from June 1, 2016.

If you have any questions, please email t[email protected] or phone Brett on 973-727-9865.

Estes Rocket Launch @ Parsippany Hills High School
May 15 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Please join Pack 142 at our annual Rocket Launch!

Event Date: Sunday, May 15, 2016
Event Time: 2:00PM – 4:00PM
Event Location: Parsippany Hills High School Fields
Dress Requirements: Pack T-Shirt

Families need to bring their own rockets and engines. Please also bring something cool to drink and a small snack.
The Pack will provide the launching pads, launchers and a safe area to launch your rockets!
Tips for first time rocket launchers:
1. We suggest you purchase rockets that state “easy to assemble” or “assembles in minutes”.
2. You use A or B engines (using anything larger will increase the risk of losing your rocket).
3. Bring a spare rocket.
Rockets and supplies can be purchased from:
1. Michael’s (Please visit: and print the 40% discount coupon to take with you)
2. Tech Toys –
3. F&M Hobbies –
4. Zeppelin Hobbies –
5. Amazon –
If you have any questions, please email [email protected] or phone Troy on 973-437-6163.
You are welcome to invite any friends and families with boys that are Cub Scout age (grades K-5). Please be sure to RSVP to let us know you are coming and how many guests to expect. We look forward to seeing you there!
Hello everyone,
I hope you are having an enjoyable weekend. We have been closely monitoring the weather forecast for tomorrow. The forecast indicates a fine and sunny day, but we also expect to receive winds between 20mph and 30mph.
It is important to have fun during our rocket launch, but it is imperative that we provide a safe environment for scouts, family and others around us. The forecast for high winds does present a concern. We will continue to evaluate the weather situation tomorrow, but the forecast at this point indicates that we should postpone the rocket launch for another day over the summer.
In the case that the rocket launch is postponed for tomorrow, we will still host a pack meeting to build boats for the “Rain Water Regatta” that will be held at our upcoming Pack meeting on May 19. We will still meet at the Tennis Court fields at Parsippany Hills High School at 2PM tomorrow (May 15, 2016). Those who still wish to launch their rockets will be able to do so providing they take full responsibility for any safety concerns.  Rocket launchers must be aware that there is a high likelihood their rocket will be blown into a tree and/or otherwise lost.
If we do postpone the rocket launch, I would like to invite all scouts and their families to bring their kites to fly after building the boats for the “Rain Water Regatta”!
I will send another email to notify you of our intentions tomorrow. In the meantime, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I can be reached via email [email protected] or phone 973-437-6163.
Troy Adams
Cubmaster – Pack 142
May Pack Meeting @ Glacier Hills Association
May 19 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Please join Pack 142 at our May Pack Meeting!
Event Date: Thursday, May 19, 2016
Event Time: 7:00PM – 8:30PM
Event Location: Glacier Hills Association
Dress Requirements: Scout Uniform
Highlights will include:
1. Knots & Tent building
2. Building boats for the Rainwater Regatta. 
If you have any questions, please email [email protected] or phone Troy on 973-437-6163.
Fishawack Gold Rush @ Smith Field Park
May 22 @ 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

The Gold Rush will be fun for all Cub Scouts, including those who just joined!

The Gold Rush is not a competition. It is meant for all boys to “do their best” and have fun.

Come individually or as a den or as a pack.

ACTIVITIES INCLUDE (subject to change):

  • TOMAHAWK THROW (rubber tomahawk)
  • SOFTBALL TOSS                                                          
  • GEOLOGY                                                       

Held at Smith Field Park, Baldwin Road (just south of Route 46) in Parsippany.


Fee: $5 per boy
Walk-Ins: $8 per boy
Free for boys who are joining Cub Scouts this spring!

To register, please visit: also indicate your attendance on the Pack 142 website so others are able to see who else is attending from our pack.

May Committee Meeting @ 38 Stockton Court
May 24 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Please join us at our May Committee Meeting!

Event Date: Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Event Time: 7:30PM – 9:00PM
Event Location: Residence of Troy & Stephanie Adams (38 Stockton Court, Morris Plains)

The main topics of discussion will include:
– Memorial Day Parade
– June camping trip
– Summer events

Please RSVP to indicate your attendance.

Tiger Den Meeting @ Littleton School
May 26 @ 7:15 pm – 8:45 pm

Please join us at our May 26 Tiger Den Meeting!

Scouts will work on the second part of the Tiger Bites requirement and we will help members of the den that need to catch up on their remaining requirements.

Event Date: Thursday, May 26, 2016
Event Time: 7:15PM – 8:45PM
Event Location: Littleton Gym
Dress Requirements: Scout Uniform

THIS WILL BE OUR FINAL MEETING AS TIGER: It is important that as many scouts as possible attend this meeting. In order to complete the Tiger badge, we need to ensure all requirements are met by May 31, 2016. We will be starting on Wolf requirements from June 1, 2016.

If you have any questions, please email t[email protected] or call Brett on 973-727-9865.

Memorial Day Parade @ Parsippany
May 30 @ 11:00 am – 3:30 pm

Please join Pack 142 as we march in the 2016 Memorial Day Parade!

Event Date: Monday, May 30, 2016 Event Time: 11:00PM – 3:30PM
Event Location: Departing for Sylvan Way, Morris Plains/Parsippany.
Dress Requirements: Full Scout uniform

  • Please arrive at the check in point located at the corner of Rt. 202 and Sylvan Way by 11:00AM
  • Once checked in please proceed to the parade staging area located along Sylvan Way  (Township staff will be present to direct you to the correct location).
  • The Parade will step off at 12 noon.
  • Our group will depart Sylvan Way and enter the main parade route along Route 202.
  • The Parade will continue along Rt. 202 to the reviewing stand located approximately at Rita Dr.

If you have any questions. please email [email protected].

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