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Arrow Of Light – Fifth Grade


A 11 year old or boy or girl in the fifth grade joins Cub Scouting as a Arrow of Light (AOL).

Our Arrow Of Light Program

Arrow Of Light is a family-oriented program! A group of six to eight boys or girls meet together in a group called a den. Dens meet approximately twice per month. Arrow Of Light Scouts have fun participating in den meetings and outings while making memories together.

aol_logoIn addition to den meetings, Arrow Of Light Scouts attend our monthly pack meetings and other exciting pack activities. Members of the whole family are welcome to participate in meetings and events!

Arrow Of Light Scouts have a close connection with local Scout troops and attend their events and camping trips. This helps to prepare them for when they join the troop as a Scout.

Bobcat Rank

Like all other new Cub Scouts, a Arrow Of Light Scout must first earn their Bobcat rank. After completing the requirements for Bobcat he or she may go on to complete the requirements for the Arrow Of Light rank and the many electives that are offered for the rank.

  1. bobcat_logoLearn and say the Scout Oath, with help if needed.
  2. Learn and say the Scout Law, with help if needed.
  3. Show the Cub Scout sign. Tell what it means.
  4. Show the Cub Scout handshake. Tell what it means.
  5. Say the Cub Scout motto. Tell what it means.
  6. Show the Cub Scout salute. Tell what it means.
  7. With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide—Bobcat Requirements.

Arrow Of Light Adventures

To obtain the Arrow Of Light rank:

1. Be active in your Webelos den for at least six months since completing the fourth grade or for at least six months since becoming 10 years old. (Being active means having good attendance, paying your dues, and working on den projects.)

2. Arrow Of Light Scouts must complete each of the following required adventures with their den or family:

  • Building a Better World
  • Outdoorsman
  • Duty to God in Action
  • Scouting Adventure


3. Complete three Webelo/AOL elective adventures from the following list:

  • Adventures in Science
  • Aquanaut
  • Art Explosion
  • Aware and Care
  • Build It
  • Build My Own Hero
  • Castaway
  • Earth Rocks!
  • Engineer
  • Fix It
  • Game Design
  • Into the Wild
  • Into the Woods
  • Looking Back, Looking Forward
  • Maestro!
  • Moviemaking
  • Project Family
  • Sportsman

3. With a parent or adult partner, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect You Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide, and earn the Cyber Chip award for their age.

webelo_uniformArrow Of Light Uniform

Arrow Of Light Scouts may choose to wear either the blue Arrow Of Light uniform based on the Cub Scout uniform or the tan/olive uniform similar to the one that older Scouts wear. They should wear it to all den meetings, pack meetings, and special pack activities.

For the tan/olive uniform, boys and girls wear the official Scout olive trousers or shorts and official Scout tan long- or short-sleeved shirt with blue shoulder loops. Official blue socks (with gold tops) are worn with the blue uniform, and official olive socks (with red tops) are worn with the tan/olive uniform.

With either uniform, all Arrow Of Light Scouts should wear the Webelo neckerchief (plaid with the Webelo emblem), Webelo neckerchief slide (handmade slides are also acceptable), Webelo cap, and Webelo belt buckle.

Cub Scouts are provided with a Pack t-shirt as part of their membership. The Pack 142 t-shirt is to be worn during certain activities and outings.


The success of a Arrow Of Light Scout den depends on active, enthusiastic families working alongside a knowledgeable, well-trained den leader. The Arrow Of Light Scout den leader plans and carries out a year-round program of activities for the Arrow Of Light Scout den and gives the program continuity. Using the concept of shared leadership, the Arrow Of Light Scout den leader works with a different Cub Scout–adult partner team each month to plan den meetings, a Go See It outing, and the den’s part in the pack meeting. (Some teams may serve more than one month, depending on den size.)


Shared leadership is a key element of the Arrow Of Light Scout program because direct adult involvement is important for boys and girls at this age. Through this sharing of leadership, each Cub Scout and adult partner team is given an opportunity to lead. Shared leadership also brings a wealth of knowledge and variety to the program as each host team has something different to bring to the program.

More Information

To find out more information about our Arrow Of Light program or Pack 142, please email [email protected].

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