Troop 72 – Fire & Axe Campout
Please join Troop 72 at their Fire & Axe Campout!
Event Date: Friday, November 10, 2017 – Saturday, November 11, 2017
Event Time: Be in Camp Parking Lot by 1:00 PM on Friday
Event Location: Winnebago Scout Reservation in Rockaway
Dress Requirements: Scout Uniform and Camping gear
Cost: $15.00 per person
Troop 72 is happy to invite the Webelos and Arrow of Light scouts to attend their Fire & Axe Camping Trip during the teacher's convention break.
Scouts and their parents should arrive to Winnebago Scout Reservation by 1:00pm. The troop will meet you in the parking lot and walk you to our campsite (about a 1/2 mile walk). Please have lunch before coming to camp, as this outing will only include dinner, cracker barrel, and breakfast for the Webelos/AOL families. You will not need to bring any food, snacks, or cooking equipment. The troop will provide everything needed for meals.
This is a tent camping event. If you would like to use a troop tent for the outing, please indicate this on your permission slip. Troop 72 is happy to provide a tent, but scouts and parents will need to bring their own sleeping equipment (sleeping bag, pad, pillow).
Heated restrooms are available at the Dining Hall which is nearby to the campsite.
Cub Scouts should wear their field uniform (blue button shirt) to dinner and their activity uniform (pack t-shirt) during the day's activities.
While on the outing, the Webelos and AOL scouts will work on Knife & Axe Skills needed to earn the Totin Chip when they bridge to boy scouts. Troop 72's boy scout instructors will give safety directions to the scouts and then walk them through hands-on practice of the skills. Scouts can bring a pocket knife with them, IF they have their Whittling Chip card with them as well.